The Consortium provides a cutting-edge research environment where young researchers can devote themselves to their work. It offers not only research facilities, but also establishes a guidance structure composed of mentors and university faculty members. In the Consortium, post-docs, graduate students (particularly doctoral students), and research support personnel work together to advance practical, high-quality research. In accordance with each university’s system (i.e. systems that accept young researchers), individual institutions aim to acquire full-time post-docs who may then work collaboratively in the Consortium. This creates a framework that helps form a career path. Young researchers are better able to evaluate their achievements, their research activities, and their compatibility with different fields. HR handling of Consortium researchers (including matters related to salary, work management, and appointments) is standardized as much as possible within the Consortium. Consortium institutions are able to make flexible use of their existing HR systems and can incorporate them into handling of the Consortium’s HR. Through this, Consortium researchers can change their affiliated institutions in an easy way.
This development aims to change human resource development from a short-term, project-based system provided by a single institution or department to a continuous employment system that is based on personnel and budget provisions which are equalized across organizations.

大学院工学系研究科 機械工学専攻
助教 吉本 勇太
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
Yuta Yoshimoto
2017/4/1~現職 助教(Assistant Professor)
2016/1/1~2017/3/31 特任助教(Project Research Associate) 採用日(The date of adoption):2016/1/1
I have aimed to create innovative mechanical systems that exert dramatic performances at the macroscale by clarifying and controlling anomalous thermo-fluid phenomena emerging at the micro/nanoscale. Specifically, performing molecular beam experiments under high vacuum and molecular simulations, I have worked on the detailed mechanism on heat and mass transfer from an atomistic point of view.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 分子流体力学,マイクロ・ナノスケール熱物質輸送,分子シミュレーション (Molecular fluid dynamics, Micro/nanoscale heat and mass transfer, Molecular simulation)

理工学部 化学科
専任講師 大間知 潤子
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry,
Kwansei Gakuin University
Junko Omachi
2018/4/1~現職 専任講師(Assistant Professor)
2016/1/1~2018/3/31 東京大学 理学系研究科附属フォトンサイエンス研究機構 特任助教(Project Research Associate) 採用日(The date of adoption):2016/1/1
My research goal is to make a system in which we can select suitable light sources depending on several purposes such as laser manufacturing. For that goal, I would like to study laser technologies. Also, making use of wavelength conversion and phase and frequency control of light, I would like to study the kinetics of electrons in solids and gases.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 光物性、光源開発(Solid state spectroscopy, Light source development)

理工学部 システムデザイン工学科
助教 山本 詠士
Assistant Professor
Department of System Design Engineering,
Keio University
Eiji Yamamoto
2018/4/1~現職 助教(Assistant Professor)
2016/4/1~2018/3/31 慶應義塾大学大学院 理工学研究科 総合デザイン工学専攻 特任助教(Project Research Associate) 採用日(The date of adoption):2016/4/1
There are many membrane proteins that play important roles in maintaining cell functions. My research theme is to investigate function, diffusion, and interaction of biomolecules in cell membranes using computational techniques such as molecular dynamics simulations. Moreover, I am interested in what the vast number of water molecules do in biological systems.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 生物物理,計算科学(Biophysics, Computational Science)

特任助教 張 暁梅
Project Research Associate
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
Zhang Xiao-Mei
採用日(The date of adoption):2016/4/1
Design and fabrication of nanoscale devices using semiconductor nanostructures for their application on renewable energy and nanomedicine. In regards to the nanostructures in-device functions, control growth of semiconductor nanostructures concerning their morphology, crystallinity, doping status is very important. The fabrication processes for the designed semiconductors are carried out by both physical and chemical methods. For example, single crystal with dislocation free volume of semiconductor nanomaterials are synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Wet-solution method is suitable for fabricating the nanostructures on flexible substrate at a low temperature. Invariably, microstructure characterisation assisted in determining crystalline feature of the nanostructures and optimizing functional devices. Furthermore, integration of nanodevice using the nanostructures is realized by various semiconductor technologies. Nanostructured solar cells and ZnO-based biosensors are the main devices which are studied in my work. Moreover, to achieve satisfactory device performance for these device aspects, evaluative feedback is highly effective.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 化学工学専攻(Department of Chemical Engineering)

特任助教 山越 智健
Research Associate
Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications
Tomotake Yamakoshi
採用日(The date of adoption):2017/3/1
Recently, ultracold atoms in a periodic potential have been investigated eagerly because of their great promise for numerous applications to quantum computers, quantum simulators and so forth. My research goal is to provide a guideline for novel and fascinating ultracold experiments from a basic theoretical point of view. To this end, I'm going to perform numerical and analytical analyses of recent experiments about coherent control of ultracold atoms by external fields.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 冷却原子のダイナミクス(Theoretical studies of dynamics of ultracold atoms)

大学院工学系研究科 機械工学専攻
特任講師 Il Jeon
Project Lecturer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
Il Jeon
2018/4/1~現職 特任講師(Project Lecturer)
2017/3/16~2018/3/31 特任助教(Project Research Associate) 採用日(The date of adoption):2017/3/16
多様な材料を光電変換素子に適用することを 研究テーマとしている。より具体的には、炭素材料を作って太陽電池に応用することが中心である。炭素材料にはナノチューブ、グラフェン、フラーレンなどがあり、それぞれ太陽電池素子内の電極 あるいは有機半導体材料として使われる特長的な性質を持っている。この特性をうまく活かして太陽電池の性能を上げ、さらには新しいタイプの太陽電池を作ることも可能である。 一言で言えば、 環境にやさしい材料を使って再生エネルギー素子の高性能化を実現することが私の研究の目的である。
My research involves an application of different materials in optoelectronic devices. The current focus is on the growth of different carbon materials for solar cell applications. Carbon allotropes, namely carbon nanotubes, graphene, and fullerenes, have unique properties that match charge conductive and selective layers in solar devices. Utilising these properties, we can increase the performance and even create a new type of solar cells. In a nutshell, I am producing the alternative energy devices using the eco-friendly materials.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 有機合成、炭素材料、太陽電池の応用(Organic synthesis, Carbon material growth, Photovoltaics application)

大学院工学系研究科 附属光量子科学研究センター レーザー新世代研究センター
特任助教 篠原 康
Project Research Associate
Photon science center, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
Yasushi Shinohara
採用日(The date of adoption):2018/10/1
State-of-the-art coherent light allows us to observe ultrafast electron motion in materials.Comprehension of the electron dynamics is not only scientifically interesting but also a part of the foundation for an industrial application with optical technology such as laser processing.I theoretically investigate the electron dynamics in materials driven by the coherent light source, by performing numerical simulations.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- 計算物質科学、光科学(Computational materials science, photon science)

特任助教 道根 百合奈
Research Associate
Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications
Yurina Michine
採用日(The date of adoption):2020/6/1
Development of high damage threshold optics for high power and high energy laser system. Up to now, two order of magnitude higher laser flux can be controlled by new ozone mixed gas diffraction optics. Real application to high power laser system with these new development optics will be completed in a few years.
- 専門分野(Specialized field)
- レーザー科学(Laser Science)