パンフレット(Pamphlet)With the University of Tokyo as the representative institution, Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science (CIAiS) is implemented in cooperation with Keio University, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and The University of Electro-Communications. Its partners are National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), RIKEN, and Kawasaki City. Originating from the research foundation laid by Academic Consortium for Nano and Micro Fabrication - Collaboration of Four Universities Research Institute and Advanced Photon Science Alliance (APSA), the Consortium gathers researchers from a wide range of fields to conduct new high-quality interdisciplinary research.
Within the Consortium, the system of short-term employment by separate institutions and departments is substituted with a stable yet highly mobile employment system.This is made possible as a result of budget provisions and an equalized system that transcends organizations. Next-generation researchers can engage in work while also considering career advancement. The Consortium provides a variety of educational programs to post-docs and doctoral students advancing research work together to facilitate experiences in different fields of study, development of a more comprehensive outlook, and to produce human resources who can work in diverse environments. We must encourage individuals who can innovate on a global scale. It is through these efforts that the Consortium aims to present researchers with career path models and to increase the number of young people who would like to become researchers.

総長 五神 真President
The University of Tokyo
As globalization accelerates, issues around the world are becoming more and more interrelated and serious. To deal with these challenges, we must pool wisdom from a wide variety of people, utilize our collective intelligence, and cooperate. It is critical that we invest in young people who are brimming with the desire to take up these challenges, think independently, build new knowledge, and utilize that knowledge to help humankind.
We now need a framework capable of creating “knowledge professionals;” people who can create paths that lead to solutions. There are great expectations for today’s young researchers. It is vital that they have a global outlook and aim to solve problems on a global level.
We believe in encouraging and inspiring young researchers, for they will be the ones who will develop science and technology and produce something from nothing. A framework that improves their mobility and ensures their stable employment is now required.
This Consortium represents the efforts of five universities currently engaged in collaborative research that goes beyond a single domain or a single institution. It introduces a system that provides greater career mobility and stable long-term employment to young researchers while also producing new, integrative research. It aims to create practical, high-quality results and foster “knowledge professionals” seeking to advance their careers.

教授 丸山 茂夫
Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Tokyo
To maintain Japan’s position as a world leader in the fields of science and technology and to produce economic growth-promoting innovation, we must support scientists and engineers. Currently, many young researchers may be in unstable situations due to limited-term employment options. Their careers may not be secure. Additionally, although highly specialized research is vital, innovations are now often produced through interdisciplinary efforts. For the young researchers of today, diversity, experience in a variety of fields of study, and career mobility are extremely important. We need an attractive environment that can provide stability and mobility, thus improving the careers of researchers.
To work to achieve this, five universities have formed Research and Education Consortium for Innovation of Advanced Integrated Science (CIAiS). The Consortium provides a cutting-edge research environment and selects young researchers. Guided by mentors and university faculty members, researchers in the Consortium conduct practical, high-quality research together with post-docs, graduate students, and research support staff. Additionally, the Consortium promotes exchanges with research institutes and companies inside and outside Japan. The Consortium aims to build a system which will nurture human resources capable of producing innovations that will meet the needs of today’s society.